These are some beautiful flowers that my mother sent to me. Thanks Mom. I absolutely love them.
Wesley is now 19 almost 20 months old. He loves playing outside, taking baths, his ba-ba, and making messes! :-) And yes, he is as ornery as he looks!!!! :-) Needless to say, he keeps us hopping, and our life would not be complete without him!!
Elliana just turned 5 in June. She will be starting Kindergarten this year when we start our year of homeschooling. She is full of energy, and absolutely Daddy's "little girl". Daddy says that she has a "Tigger Type" personality- she's always bouncing around. :-) She refers to the time when I do her hair as our "talking time". (I used to talk to her to keep her occupied while doing her hair.) She said to me one day while I was doing her hair- "Mommy you know this is our talking time!" We are thrilled that God answered our prayers for a little girl!
Cory Jean is 8 years old and going in to the 3rd grade this year. He has an extremely creative personality. I know it is something that God will use in his life. He is very tender-hearted. He really likes Bible Man and Larry Boy, and has an interest in cooking. He seems to enjoy school, and I would consider him a quick learner. What a wonderful addition he is to our family.
Skyler is 10 years old and going into the 4th grade this year. He is Papaw Dan's shadow. If papaw's doing it, Skyler wants to be there. He helps a lot with Wes- giving him baths, dressing him, cleaning him up after he eats, etc.... He has a personality that wants to please. Greg and I have said for a long time that with his personality, and energy, he will probably grow up to be a youth pastor. He has a great sense of humor, and truly is a joy. We are thankful for the gift God has given us in Skyler.
Tanner is 11 years old and going into the 5th grade. He and Wes are the best of bud's. He is growing faster than I am ready for him to. I'm sure that it's because he's the oldest. He is an animal lover, and says he wants to be an animal rescuer when he grows up. He is anxiously awaiting the day he gets his Cockatiel. He has been saving his money, when the other kids would buy things, so he could buy things for his bird. He already has shown small signs of dedication in this way, and I'm sure that same dedication will carry over in his service for Jesus.
I will post more later. God bless, and goodnight!!!