Thursday, March 27, 2008


If any of you other bloggers out there have any great suggestions on how to get caught up on laundry once you're behind, I'll welcome any suggestions! I am soooo far behind that it's hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel! I know with God's help (and discipline on my part) it'll get done eventually. I was folding laundry in Skyler's room tonight after he was in bed and he said " You did all of that today?" (Trust me when I say it wasn't as much as it should have been!) I told him "Yes." but that I had a lot more to do. He then said " Are we going to have a party when you get it all done?" I told him that that would be a good idea!!! :-) What a cutie! I'll let you know if we do!! He! He!

1 comment:

jenny marvin mealy said...

Get it all sorted, bag it in trash bags and go to the laundry mat. Cost a little, but it gets you caught up and you can read a book while you sit there. You leave the kids at home with Dad of course!