I am sorry that I have not posted these sooner! And now that I am trying to get the video to upload it's not cooperating, or I'm not doing something right, one of the two! ( Probably the latter!) :-) Anyhow, here are a couple of pics of Greg and I receiving our Minister's License!
Here are a few more random pics. Some are from when my mom was here visiting with us, others are just ones that I wanted to share!
Grandma surrounded by six of her nine gifts from God! ( I absolutely love this picture!)
This is "Little Miss Elliana Christine"!
Wesley, what a little ham! :-)
This is Sasha and her new babies. Tanner lets them out to go potty for some friends of ours from church. Tanner has been saving to buy a B.B. Gun, but has recently decided after getting to hold the puppies for the first time yesterday, that he wants to purchase one of the puppies. (They are all girls, as the boy didn't make it, and Tanner has come up with two names~ 1. Cassidy (Cassie) or 2. Lily. Tell us what you think. He still has three weeks to decide!
This is one of the most beautiful things about living in the country! ( Taken at our farm!)
This is Elli and her friend Abby in front of our barn!
This is our children and our dear friends the Flowers three children. They should be having number four any day now!
I will try to post some more this week, however we will be packing to move to the farm, so we'll see..... :-) Have a wonderful Lord's day!